Wellington – Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says New Zealand remains on track for a staged border opening next year, with the Ministry of Health confirming vaccine passports will be available from December.
The comment is at odds with Covid-19 Minister Chris Hipkins, who this week told Parliament the reopening plan would need to be reworked in the face of Delta.
The original plan, unveiled last month, would see a limited trial run of vaccinated international travellers able to self-isolate at home in the latter parts of this year. That would be followed by a phased reopening in 2022.
The Ministry of Health has confirmed vaccine passports will be available for Kiwis later this year.
“It will contain a QR code and a secure digital signature, or “seal”. Certificates will be able to be printed off in hard copy or be stored and viewed on a smartphone,” said Astrid Koornneef, group manager of operations for the Covid-19 vaccination programme